The promised snow finally arrived today with high winds stirring and tossing it about like dust devils in the desert. This sculpture-person by Brian Brook, doubling as a gallery open sign, seems amazed by the change in weather. Or maybe she is warming up for a part in L'Orfero, now showing (as a film) at the Riviera Theater.
Someone at the American Legion building in Three Rivers celebrated the holidays by parking Santa atop the WWII tank that sits next to their building. I suppose it could be seen as either amusing... or horrible.
More decorated windows downtown, but the predicted fourteen inches of snow never arrived. A friend came down from Grand Rapids and said it was all piled up there. Here, just a few sparkly bits, hanging in the air.
Three Rivers is a small city in the U.S. midwest, halfway between Detroit and Chicago. This blog consists of photos taken in the City of Three Rivers, Michigan, and in the surrounding Three Rivers postal zone area. For more lovely scenes of the countryside around Three Rivers, click on over to HelenMac's "Day By Day in Fabius".