Saturday, November 28, 2009

Christmas Around Town

Lots of activities today downtown, sales, Santa, carriage rides and street vendors, "Christmas Around Town" is the name of the event. Here is a proud reindeer with his handler, Joshua, in a pass-through between stores and a parking lot. I didn't catch the reindeer's name. The pass-through was formerly part of the Falvey clothing store chain from the 1920s. The building collapsed while being restored, and the city purchased it, filled the basement with dirt, and planted a large tree!


Lowell said...

I was going to say, that looks like a real reindeer! Cute, too!

Sounds like a fun time in Three Rivers! I could wait a while before all the holiday stuff, though. Didn't there used to be a break between Thanksgiving and Christmas?

Leif Hagen said...

Hey! Let Rudolph go! He has toys to deliver to good girls and boys!

Sue said...

"I didn't catch the reindeer's name"

Do you know how funny that sounds? This is a great photo, we don't all get to meet a real reindeer:)


Three Rivers, Michigan said...

I went back today and discovered that - it's a female! And her name is "Holly" (of course).

Amy said...

awww how cool!

VP said...

I like the reindeer, we don't see many around here. Probably I haven't seen any in my whole lfe...
Your city has a swift way to cope with emergencies!

Stefan Jansson said...

Well, hello Holly!