Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Local fun

The hill next to the old hospital has been a sledding hill for generations of Three Rivers folks, and children continue the tradition today. Off Millard Street, taken from across the river - a pretty good zoom!

(After I uploaded this post, I discovered that the River Country Journal had an article about the other prime sledding location, the tubing hills at Meyer Broadway Park -"No tubing like snow tubing at Meyer Broadway Park" click to view..!)


Joan Elizabeth said...

What fun. I would have loved to have done that as a kid ... but we had not snow ... didn't even live near sandhills as an alternative.

Lowell said...

I remember those days - sledding down hills in Minnesota when a kid...don't care to do it now, but sure was fun back then.

This is quite an excellent shot from a distance!

myletterstoemily said...

lovely, fun photos!

thank you for sharing!

Sue said...

I remember when I used to think snow = fun. Not so much anymore!


Louis la Vache said...

«Louis» is quite content to view this via your blog post from the warmth of his perch at Chez la Vache....

Amy said...

it does look fun, wish we got snow here.

cieldequimper said...

Happy New Year! I wish, I wish I could do that! It's snowing here right now but... er... nothing like this!

VP said...

A nice and funny tradition. Our snowfalls are rare and tragicomic: we are totally unprepared and hopeless in any urban snow!

Andreea said...

I'm with others, this photo feels me with nostalgia, I love it. I remember the days when I used to come home covered in so much snow that I resembled a snow man.

Unknown said...

your photo brings back great memories for all of us who grew up in snow country! It was such great fun!

B SQUARED said...

When they grow up, that hill will seem so small.

Barbara said...

I was born in Three Rivers in January 1955. My mother spoke of having watched children sledding outside the hospital then. Thank you for the photo.