Saturday, October 31, 2009


This yard on Douglas Ave. has lots of spooky stuff for tonight's trick-or-treaters, including a "Day of the Dead" motorcyclist -- and a piano on the porch!


Ilse said...

Wow! I wanna trick or treat there!

Lowell said...

Good grief. Some people have too much time on their hands.

But I think Ilse's right. I'd head to this house first if I was trick-or-treating!

BlossomFlowerGirl said...

Quirky post Three Rivers - I like it.
Melbourne Daily Photo

Sue said...

Wow-some people take Halloween very seriously!


Elaine Yim said...

I tend to think tha this motorist look rather cool. Happy Halloween to you and enjoy your weekend!

Amy said...

lol thats original

Anonymous said...

That's a lot! But I like it. Wonder how it looks at Christmas? Nice shot of a "nice" place :)

Buenos Aires Photoblog said...

That's lovely! It is hardly believable what Americans are doing to celebrate Halloween. Hope you had a wonderful Trick-or-Treat time.

VP said...

Not to mention the huge cobweb on the porch and a tombstone by the mailbox... Great catch!

FA said...

Congratulations on your recognition in the River Country Journal.